Tips & Requests for “Don’t Buy Miss Saigon: The Unity Event”

Tuesday October 8th, 2013, 6:00 pm, Rice Park

Hello all, looking forward to being with you all tomorrow! The people, united, will NEVER be defeated. Here are some tips and requests:

  • Please wear a white shirt/top, preferably one you’d be willing to write a message on with permanent marker!
  • Volunteers, please check in at the table in the center of Rice Park near the fountain.
  • Attendees check in at the table for info and to sign the petition.
  • Parking/bus info: for transportation info, please refer to our Facebook page.
  • Use twitter handle #missedsaigon and/or #dontbuymisssaigon.
  • Please arrive at at 6 pm, the event starts at 6:30 pm SHARP.
  • In case of inclement weather, bring a jacket, umbrella, etc. Please layer, as it will get cold at sundown.
  • Please be aware of your surroundings and do not block the sidewalks, keep it moving!
  • If there is a problem with police, please look for a police liaison – they will be wearing armbands.
  • If someone becomes belligerent, do not escalate or engage with the negative person; please look for a police liaison or organizer (all organizers will be wearing a tag around their neck) to de-escalate the situation or call the authorities.
  • We want to stress that this is a peaceful protest – please respect the spirit of this event!